When I listen to my sacred feminine soul today she whispers relax. Be easy with yourself. Receive the exquisite beauty of the green moss at your feet and the snow melting on the branch. She slows me down when I get ahead of myself and opens me to the invisible threads connecting me with all life. She guides and inspires me with my simple concerns and my hearts deep desires. 


The sad thing is for years I was deeply ashamed of my essence even as she was woven into every fiber of my being. I believed it was my biggest problem – my sensitivity, my deep emotions, and my tender heart. Not to mention my body. It was messy and out of my control. It all made me feel weird and vulnerable. Like I could never quite fit in.


So I tried to cut her off and become what was applauded and approved of. I watched the contempt and denigration of the feminine in my home, my church and the world around me. I attracted people and experiences that trashed the feminine within me. I believed the lies and felt for years I’m not enough. 


I learned to put on the mask and try to fit in to relationships and institutions that didn’t “get” me. Or see the value in my sensitivity or deep emotions. It left me feeling even more insecure and self-critical.


How about you? Do you struggle with self-judgment and doubt? Do you work to hold it all together yet feel unworthy or not enough deep inside? Do you look to others for validation of your value? Wouldn’t it feel nice to relax and remember that who you are is not only enough but you a gift with a sacred feminine nature that is uniquely your own?


The truth is your sacred Feminine nature – the essential you – is beautiful and worthy of honor. She may be obscured or hidden well under the surface but she is whispering to you through the longing of your heart and the murmur of your soul. Your passions your unique gifts are all reflections of Her like the shimmers of a jewel submerged deep under the water. You catch glimpses and glimmers. You may forget for years. You may get caught in the old story of not worthy. Prove yourself. Get caught up in the distractions of the culture and the ego. But all the while She is with you whether you are tuned in or not. And then one day you feel a nudge, or a deep soul yearning that says I need more than this. I am more than this.  I’m ready to get out of this box. 


Please pay attention to that soul call! You deserve the vitality, fulfillment and comfort in your own skin that comes with heeding it. 


Supporting women with that call is my passion and my gift! I want you to discover and express your unique essence and access your own sacred feminine wisdom. It serves you and our world desperately needs it.


Next month I’m offering a new introductory online course called

No Apology Necessary! You are Enough! (exactly as you are)

It’s designed to be a self-paced introductory journey with loving support to release old stories of “I’m not enough” and practicing connect with your sacred feminine self.


So if you’re ready to: 

Leave behind the old lies and limits 

Remember your sacred feminine wisdom

Appreciate your unique essence


Then give yourself the gift of this one month immersion in a loving, playful and affirming container where you will be guided and supported in uncovering and releasing your old  stories of limits, less than and “I’m not enough.” And the resources, support and encouragement to practice claiming and inhabiting the truth that you are so much more than enough.


Join us and:


Receive weekly guided inquiry, meditations, inspiration, activities and rituals you can move through at your own pace.

Participate in 2 group phone calls and No Apology Necessary FaceBook group and access a sisterhood of women committed to claiming their worth.

Take away proven practices and long term strategies to ensure your ongoing success.


With compassion, kindness and through the eyes of love we will examine the roots of your insecurity, self-doubt and self-betrayal. Then we will honor and untangle those roots and build a new foundation on a deep inner knowing that you are so much more than enough.


You’ll come away with:


a new lens of perception so you can see yourself with more clarity, love and compassion

a shift in your inner dialogue from fear and unworthiness to love and acceptance

appreciation for your Sacred Feminine Self

a deeper understanding of your truth, needs, & desires

a deeper connection with your essential self


Come join me if you’re ready for a deeper connection with your unique feminine self and her sacred wisdom. 




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Revolutionary Heart