Welcome to the Trust Talk Sessions. Join a collective of former guests and I for a 19 day dive into Trust to celebrate 100 episodes of Trust your Sacred Feminine Flow. Each conversation offers an intimate glimpse into the challenges and precious moments experienced in our journey to trust.

Rose Corrick GPCC, ACC brings a unique tapestry of talents to her work as a certified life coach with Aging Boldly.

Rose works with women who are in transition, inspiring them to embrace their greatness and to age boldly as they design the next chapter of their lives. Her work as a certified Gestalt-trained life coach is the culmination of wisdom gained as an artist, creative entrepreneur and spiritual seeker over the past 40 years.

Rose’s previous creative venture, Art of Cloth, clothed women in works of art that expressed a woman’s essence and beauty. As a life coach, Rose continues her work with women in inspiring them to live with boldness, passion and creativity.


For all details on today’s Trust Talk Session Giveaway: https://bit.ly/2Y0I6m2 

Listen to Rose’s Trust Talk Session by clicking the play button on the audio player below.

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Read the Full Transcript Here:


Welcome to the Trust Talk Sessions. I’m your host Joni Advent. Maher and I am delighted to welcome a friend and soul sister Rose Corrick to the series today. Rose is a Gestalt trained professional Life Coach and she is the creator of the popular clothing brand, the Art of Cloth, and she has a dynamic new endeavor called Aging Boldly that she is calling women forth into. 

So I want to welcome Rose as one of our upcoming guests. Rose will be my August interview. So you’re going to have a sneak peek of Rose and all of her wisdom and all of her creativity today. Glad to have you here, Rose. Welcome to the show. 


Thank you, Joni. It is really a delight to be here and I’m just happy to show up and see what happens this morning.

Joni: Yes, just trust the process, so to speak. 

Rose: Right.


Yes. So I would love to just dive into this topic of trust and, and just hear for you how it’s showing up, how it’s showing up in your life or your work.


Well, you know that there are never any accidents. And I was reflecting very early this morning on how the topic of trust has been showing up for me really my entire life. And, and it’s no accident that we’re talking about it right now. I think I have a very early relationship with trust, which is that there was a lack of it in my early life. And I believe on some level I chose this. And I know that I chose the circumstances that I came into this world and I think that one of my path has been in great part about learning to trust myself and to trust the power that is within me and I keep my life, keeps giving me more and more opportunities to sort of go deeper and to dive into this topic of trust.

So when you invited me to speak about trust, I’ve been reflecting that this period of my life right now that you’ve just described when you introduce me, another big layering of peeling away of layers so to get to the essential me in this lifetime. And it involves going deeper into my trust relationship and just very briefly, and I was saying to myself, wow, in the space of three years, I ended a long term marriage. That was safe and secure, but not fulfilling. My beloved mother went through a long hospice period and she died in the same three year period. One of my sons had a very challenging mental health experience and came home to live with me. And I closed my long term beloved business that you referred to, Art of Cloth and began a new career all in a three year period.

Joni: Wow. That is quite a pivot and quite a rebirthing it sounds like. 

Rose: Yes. And I’m still in the midst of it. 

Joni: Yes. 


So what I get to look at is this idea of trusting, but the entire process, trusting every moment, trusting every event, trusting all the feelings that show up and trusting that it’s all perfectly in divine order. 


Yeah. So really trusting the unfolding day by day, moment by moment, event by event is what I hear. 


Yeah. I was thinking that when I am coaching women I find that it’s easy for me to witness their lives and see the unfoldment and sort of the divine perfection of their lives that they may not see. And that’s what I do is I hold space. I’m able to see and be a guide, a comrade, help them see the beauty of the life that they’re living, even though, or even though they may not see it. And I was thinking to myself, well, for myself, that’s really the challenge. The opportunity is for me to witness my own life in that same way. 

Joni: Wow


I’m not always there. I wasn’t there, but wow, isn’t that amazing? When I apply that same witnessing process to myself and my own life, I can step back and drop my shoulders, take a breath, sink into the earth and say all as well, all is in divine order.


Mm. Yes. So that is the invitation and of course it’s easier said than done. Yes, yes. And I believe those of us that are the way-showers, we do that, we do it for ourselves so that we can then provide that for others. And it’s both the gift and the challenge of being in a leadership role like that. It’s the way that you do then have to hold space for yourself or of course you can always get support with that as well. But there is that taking ownership of providing for self in that way to then be able to provide for others.


That’s very well said. That’s exactly what it is. So that for me to, as you say, hold space for myself to trust and be in this process, this rebirthing process that I am in is a necessary part of the whole journey because I need to be walking the walk and living from this place myself. I find that there’s a big shift that I’m experiencing which has to do with trust and it’s a shifting from my old way of being productive. I’ve always been a big doer and creator. This is my third business. I’ve always loved my ability to kind of get stuff done. And there was, looking back now I see that there was a really masculine quality to it. I was a driver and a producer and as I’m in this stage of my life, I am feeling the need to be slower and move into more of a Beingness and less of a doingness. And it’s actually quite painful a lot because I love results.

I just love results. I love to create, I am not able to create in the same way that I used to and trust for me is to say, Oh, there’s another way emerging and my brain just wants to figure it out. So it’s like no drop into my body experience this. And when I trust, I’m kind of amazed at times the things that emerge, but it’s not on my timeline and it’s not in a way I planned it.


 I completely get that. And I’m absolutely certain that every woman listening to this show absolutely understands what you’re talking about. Totally relates. 

You know, I’m a recovering achievement junkie. It always had to be about results. 


Yes. And isn’t it fair to say, I believe generationally you and I are close in that the way that we were raised as girls and young women was the only role models for achievement or for success or for proving worthiness or enoughness were the old masculine models of production and achieve. 


Yes. Boy, is that true? I mean, I was paid for A’s and just, it was a very achievement-oriented way of being. It didn’t matter how you got there, even it didn’t matter the price that you paid. 

Joni: Wow, wow, wow. Yes. 


And that’s part that I’m no longer willing or able even not just willing but able, my being is, does not, my body does not allow that kind of torture that I used to put myself through. It’s a humbling, glorious, magical and frightening period.


Yes. Yes. I’m with you. And I was thinking earlier when you were speaking, in a way you are presenting like a little microcosm of what we are all, it seems like collectively being called to right now just in the midst of this whole Covid crisis and in the way we’ve kind of been jerked back to stop running and doing and just slow down and being. 


Yes. Not without a little kicking and screaming. I’m calling it now. I have a new term, the Metaphysical whine. I know one, I’ve been through this trust cycle. I’ve already reinvented myself twice, 20 years apart. 

And so there was a bit of that because this feels this place, this and I think it is a collective consciousness issue that you are referring to as well that each of us have our own expression of how we are showing up in this time. But we are all called upon to access this deeper feminine, sacred, powerful energy essence.


Yeah. Presence and state of being. I agree with you. I agree with you and I believe those of us that are conscious and can hear it are being called to it. We’re all being called to it, but those of us that are conscious and that can hear it are here to lead the way to hold this vibration for others. And so I, I want to check in with you because I know you have a beautiful and generous gift for one of our listeners just in that vein. So would love to hear you describe what you are contributing to the Trust Talk Sessions celebration.


Oh, I love that you’re doing this, Joni. It’s very, it models this for the rest of us creating a space where you’re honoring yourself and others, other thought leaders, other women. And so thank you for this opportunity. What I would love to offer is a 2 package session of working with me. Working with me as a life coach and a Gestalt trained Life Coach we work very much in the present moment. It’s experience based where, what your energy and what you’re coming with in the moment. And I bring this lens of creativity to everything I do. I was an entrepreneur with two creative careers in my past. And so the creativity piece is not that I work with artists per se, although I do, but it’s working with ourselves as looking at ourselves as the art that we are creating in our own lives, doing our lives as art.

And we don’t always do that. We don’t always see the artistry. This is where it’s okay to put on your Rose colored glasses. If I may say to see your life from the standpoint of artistry and when we can re-perceive a same set of circumstances through the lens of our lives as artistry, creation, a work of art, it can change the way, we can bring that then as energy to the problems, the challenges we’re dealing with our lives to our life purpose, to our work. And so I just like to offer a 2 package session working with me in this way. And I would love to work with somebody.


Thank you. That is so generous and I love the way that you hold that stance of seeing each of us as the creators of our own life and our life and our circumstances being that work of art. And we ourselves being that work of art that a very powerful lens.


It is. And it takes, it takes a, I call it, I used to call it putting on my artist eyes. I would go on when I would go on vacations, it would take me about two days until I started seeing the world around me in a different way. And I would be what it is, is moving from my head, our heads down to our bodies and then into the earth. So I’m coming from a more embodied place. We literally can see, use our senses in different ways and therefore access the challenges we are dealing with in our lives in different ways. So from this more embodied place, this artist place of, I’m calling it artistry, other people call it different things that there is a way to bring an energy and a perspective, an expanded way of looking at our lives that is extremely useful I find.


Yes. Yes. You and I are kindred spirits, on that one. Absolutely. That is one of my favorite ways to drop in and I love that image of the artist’s eyes. 

So I want to share with you, dear listener, if you would like to enter to win this 2 session package with Rose, we have all the details at our Trust Talk Sessions Facebook group. We’d love to have you come and join us. We’ll have the speakers will be popping in to say, Hey. You can sign up for all the giveaways, as many giveaways as you’d like and certainly to enter for Rose’s big giveaway and you can join the conversation there. 

So Rose, I want to say thank you for taking this time to be with us for sharing so generously, your wisdom and your experience. 


Well, thank you. You are a kindred spirit, Joni, and so wonderful sharing this space and your energy and the way you are, with me. So thank you so much for this opportunity. 


Yes. And listeners, we’re going to get even more of Rose in August. She will be the August interview, so you can look for her episode in August. So we will do a deeper dive into all of this. And beloved listener, I want to thank you for being here as well with us. And as always, the reminder to trust what your heart knows.

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