Tina Greene

Tina Greene

Transform wounds into wisdom, fear into faith, and shame into enough through workshops and personal coaching.


My name is Tina Greene. I am an artist. My life is my palette. Curious by nature, I love the creative process. Through my art, music, poetry and guided meditations, I explore and reflect the mystery and beauty of the Divine Flame that lives in all beings.


As expressions of my soul, all of my art provides a way for me to discover and share my own unique wisdom. As I have learned to listen to and honor my soul’s expression, I have discovered that through a regular practice of mindfulness and intentional creativity, I can heal the wounds of the past and live fully into my own sense of wholeness.

This journey is open to all of us.


The only skills required are an open heart and the sense of curiosity we were born with and lived in as children. I hope you will join me on this internal pilgrimage. I offer individual, small and group sessions where we explore the healing power of intentional creativity. 



Messages from my heart to yours delivered to your inbox once a month with updates from my blog, meditations for the soul, and inspiration to ignite the Divine Flame in all of us!

Message from Tina: Click play to learn more about how we can work together!

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