Nine years ago, licensed clinical social worker turned evolutionary revolutionary, Maria A Rodriguez, received a compelling and complete download of divine wisdom for modern times called The Treatise.

From Barriers to Bridges: A Treatise is not so much a book to read as it is something for you to experience. Together Maria and I unpack the wisdom of “from barriers to bridges” and its practical application in our personal and collective lives.

She leads us through an illuminating exercise from The Treatise you can use again and again.

Discussed in the episode: 

  • Maria’s experience with receiving higher wisdom & The Treatise  3:50
  • The essence of The Treatise & why it’s here at this time 10:00 
  • What’s at the heart of our social/political polarization 13:50
  • What is the bridge or purple way? 15:27
  • The false divide created between the BLM movement and the police 17:00
  • Risk and fears we face when taking a stand for the middle way 22:20
  • A reading on Truth from The Treatise 26:00 
  • The key to begin bridging the divide between us 31:11
  • How we move from barriers to bridges in our journey of awakening 37:25
  • Soul Wisdom Transformational Exercise 41:35
  • Birthing The Treatise with the support of MagdaleneRose Mentorship 1:03:00

To purchase the Treatise:

To connect with Maria:

For information on MagdaleneRose Mentorship:


Listen to From Barriers to Bridges by clicking the play button on the audio player below.

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