$150 per day
$500 per year (4 Sessions throughout the year)


 We’re creating the space we’ve been searching for. Together.



A time and a place to:

-sort out and release the past
-dream the future
-claim the joy of the present
-commune with kindred spirits on a conscious journey of growth and transformation
-be inspired
-be cheered on
-be tended to
-be celebrated


Here we’ll find a sanctuary from the demands of being the hearts and souls of our families, our communities, and our world today. 


Will you join us ?



Here are some guidelines about what to expect during a Sanctuary Day…

Wear comfortable clothes that allow for movement and rest.

Bring a journal and a water bottle.

We will have tea and yummy snacks. Bring your favorite packable lunch.

We will open with a circle to set our intentions for our time together.

We will set our course for the day and see how it unfolds from there.

We may use movement, meditation, guided inquiry, intentional creativity, contemplation, laughter and journeying.

We will move through our day carried by a perfect blend of those present in our circle and what we co-create together.

$ 150 investment in YOU for a full day to replenish, recharge and go on a journey of discovery.


I am so delighted that you have given yourself the gift of this time and space to devote solely to you.



Contact me HERE to join us in the Sanctuary.


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