A one month online journey to release old stories of “not good enough” and practice seeing yourself through loving & compassionate eyes.
Class begins April 15th registration through April 19th.

Then give yourself the gift of this one month immersion in a loving, lighthearted and affirming container where you will be guided and supported in uncovering and releasing your old beliefs and stories of “not good enough”.
And the resources, support and encouragement to practice living the truth that you are so much more than enough.
I’ve done hard time in the prison of unworthiness, insignificance, and insecurity. Shrouds of shame and self-doubt have kept me small and silent. For years I tried to free myself with perfectionism, self sacrifice, people pleasing and over-doing.
Then the Grace of the Sacred Feminine awakened me illuminating that I was wrongly imprisoned and I was the only one holding the key to set me free.
Only I hold the key to liberate me from the belief that I am not enough. To take the revolutionary act to love, honor and express myself fully.
Today, I am passionately committed to supporting women like you in finding the freedom to express the You you’ve been holding back and pursue what you really want and need –without apology. As you release old stories of not being enough and root in the truth that you are SO much more than enough you come to recognize that you are a beautiful gift with a unique Light your world needs.
Join the NO APOLOGY REVOLUTION in this introductory journey to receive weekly guided inquiry, meditations, inspiration, activities and rituals you can move through at your own pace.
Participate in 2 group calls and No Apology Necessary FaceBook group and access a sisterhood of women committed to claiming their worth.
Take away proven practices and long term strategies to ensure your ongoing success. With compassion, kindness and through the eyes of love we will examine the roots of your insecurity, self-doubt and self-betrayal. Then we will honor and untangle those roots and build a new foundation on a deep inner knowing that you are so much more than enough.
You’ll come away with:
a new lens of perception so you can see yourself with more clarity, love and compassion
a shift in your inner dialogue from fear and unworthiness to love and acceptance.
connection to your Sacred Feminine Self
a deeper understanding of your truth, needs, & desires
a deeper connection with your essential self
I want you to know deep within your bones that you are loved and valued deeply for who you are.
Not for what you do for others or how you make them feel.
I want you to be so FULL of yourself that you can’t help but light up the world around you with the radiant and gorgeous Light you truly are.
I want you to be so filled with confidence and clarity and your own self worth that you no longer need the affirmation or permission of anyone beyond your own wise heart.
Let’s create a world where you, as a woman, can rest in the knowing that you are a beautiful gift with a unique light our human family needs. A world where you can love, accept and trust yourself. Where you can feel comfortable to express your needs and desires and be yourself without apology.
Where you can own your full love, wisdom and power.
Come join us if you’re ready to stand by your needs, your truth and yourself with clarity, confidence and the conviction that You Are Enough! No more apology or permission needed!
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